If you do not follow Happyknits on Facebook, you may have missed the announcement that THE STORE IS STAYING OPEN!! Not only is it staying OPEN, but it will be so much better than before, with more consistent Store Hours, and better stocked inventory, more classes and events, and fresh inspiration for your creative needs. 🙂
The store will be run as a partnership, in which I will stay involved, along with some other fantastic ladies (to be revealed at a later date). I am super excited about where things are going with the business and I am sure you all will be as well.
Meanwhile, and hopefully for not too much longer, please be patient with things until we get all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed. We are aiming to be operating together by July, but paperwork and legal stuff seems to have it’s own mind. Stay tuned for more information on a Grand Re-opening in the late Summer/early Fall.
I have to tell you that I couldn’t have imagined a situation that would have seemed more ideal. I am grateful, and inspired, excited, and relieved. This has been a roller coaster of emotions for some time and I have to believe that it was faith and trust and support by all of you that has made this happen. The positivity that you all have smothered me with has been overwhelming and moving. Thank you again and again for being the best kind of people on the planet. 🙂
Amanda says
I’m so so so happy 🙂 So happy I spent all of my money today… lol. Hoping I have the energy to be more involved again!
Candi says
Julie I am so happy you have worked out a partnership. My thoughts are wit you as this progresses. Good luck in your new venture,!