Hi Everybody 🙂 Remember me? I have been quiet for a while….as far as blogging. I always have the best intentions. It’s a disorder really…..the if I can’t fit ALL the words in my head into a few short paragraphs, then don’t put any words down at all disorder. Have any of you heard of that? Maybe I made it up, but it is real 😉
Anyway, this is just a Hello, How are you? kinda thing. I am not the only one who has been quiet. I haven’t seen some of you for a while either….which is okay, btw, I just miss you 🙂
I had a great Spring/Summer….I turned 40! That was something. Again, there is no way to fit all the words surrounding that into just a few short sentences. I won’t bother you with it. I will say though, it has been consuming, exhausting, exciting, and freeing. That being said, I have made some decisions about my life…
I learned that I am ONLY moving forward in life with Happiness…..whether or not that will include Happyknits is yet to be determined. I am still in constant discussion with myself regarding how to find balance. So far I have to decided instead of making a decision, I will just trust that it will all work itself out just exactly as it should.
I am open to suggestions from you all…advice, support, offers. I am imagining that Skowhegan will continue to host a yarn store because people around here want it, and love it. I am imagining a yarn store run better than how I have run Happyknits, maybe run by 2 people, or 1 really dedicated person.  I am imagining me remaining a part of it….forever….somehow. I am imagining growth, creatively, financially, and socially. I am imagining rainbows and unicorns and happy little elves 🙂 jk….just seeing if you’re paying attention 😉
In the meantime, I am happily puttsing (pronounced putt-sing :)) along, counting and revisiting skeins of yarn, filing patterns, making wishlists, teaching cast-ons and garter stitches, and cables, knitting in my sleep, wishing I had 8 hands and 2 bodies. I love seeing you come through my door, inspiring me, visiting with me, sharing your creativity with me, moving me with your support. I am brainstorming ideas and hoping the materialize like I envision them.
Just wanted to say hi…………”hi :)”
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